Yoga retreats 2022

Arriving at 11am on a Wednesday and leaving after breakfast on a Monday (unless otherwise stated)
The is the option of a single occupancy for a supplement.
Prices include accommodation, full board and all activities.
Does not include flights & transfers. Transfer info by request.

Retreat into nature and connect with yourself in the beautiful surroundings of El Cortijo Nacimiento in the Sierra Cabrera, close to Mojacar in the province of Almeria, Spain.

Open Your Heart, Your life is a sacred journey. It is about change, growth, discovery, movement, transformation, continuously expanding your vision of what is possible, stretching your soul, learning to see clearly and deeply, listening to your intuition, taking courageous challenges at every step along the way. You are on the path… exactly where you are meant to be right now… And from here, you can only go forward, shaping your life story into a magnificent tale of triumph, of healing, of courage, of beauty, of wisdom, of power, of dignity, and of love.

Yoga & Meditation Retreat with Maya & Prashanti

12th-16th May (4 nights)
(Fully Booked)
Investment: 340€

Our Yoga Retreat is a great way to developing your personal practice and be guided for a few days whilst you are learning new techniques; the focus is on understanding different Meditation techniques and deepening our Asana practice.

The practice of the Asanas, (the physical postures), as well as the Pranayama, (controlling of the yogic breath), together with Dharana, (concentration), will allow your mind to slow down, making room for Dhyana (meditation). 

Mouna (silence) will be practiced in the morning until after breakfast and morning activities. 6am-10am

10am-1pm is free time and Holistic Therapies available.

Each afternoon there is a mini workshop covering aspects of Yoga and self development.

With meditation, the physiology undergoes a change and every cell in the body is filled with more prana (energy). This results in joy, peace, enthusiasm as the level of prana in the body increases.

To experience the benefits of meditation, regular practice is necessary. It takes only a few minutes every day. . Dive deep into yourself and enrich your life.

Come join us for Nurturing, Meditation Yoga, Good Food & Fun!

Yoga & Meditation Retreat with Maya & Swami Divyananda Ma

25th-30th May (5 nights)
(Fully Booked)
Investment: 395€

Our Yoga Retreat is a great way to developing your personal practice and be guided for a few days whilst you are learning new techniques; the focus is on understanding different Meditation techniques and deepening our Asana practice.

The practice of the Asanas, (the physical postures), as well as the Pranayama, (controlling of the yogic breath), together with Dharana, (concentration), will allow your mind to slow down, making room for Dhyana (meditation). 

Mouna (silence) will be practiced in the morning until after breakfast and morning activities. 6am-10am

10am-1pm is free time and Holistic Therapies are available.

Each afternoon there is a mini workshop covering aspects of Yoga and self development.

With meditation, the physiology undergoes a change and every cell in the body is filled with more prana (energy). This results in joy, peace, enthusiasm as the level of prana in the body increases.

To experience the benefits of meditation, regular practice is necessary. It takes only a few minutes every day. . Dive deep into yourself and enrich your life.

Come join us for Nurturing, Meditation Yoga, Good Food & Fun!

Rest & Restore Autumn Equinox Yin-Yang Yoga Retreat with Maya
21st – 26th September (5 nights)
(2 spaces available)
Investment: 395€

Rediscover yourself and reclaim your power.

Yin Yoga is the vehicle that encourages you to give yourself permission to feel, so you can heal.

Open and stimulate your body’s meridian system and increase your range of motion as you calm your mind with this deeply restorative and revitalizing practice. Long-held stretching poses encourage your body’s deep connective tissues to literally melt, restoring youthful joint mobility and ease of movement.

Then go even deeper into your inner world with calming, centering meditation.

Yin practice are all designed to balance the Yin (female) and Yang (male) energies of our bodies, to provide the stillness, cool and calm that we all need so badly in the rush of our daily lives.
Yin yoga is for everyone. It enables you to heal yourself, and as you heal, you do your part to heal the world.

Our Yin – Yang Yoga Retreat is an opportunity to slow down, and to deepen your awareness of yourself, other people, and the world around you. Yin Yoga quiets the mind and heals the body, opening the door to a profound and life changing experience.

Each day from awakening until after breakfast we will observe ‘Mounam’ the spiritual practice of being silent, beginning each day with Hatha and ending with Yin, bringing balance and clarity with the Autumn Equinox energies guiding us.

Yoga & Meditation Retreat with Maya & Muneera

27th September-4th October (7 nights)
(1 space available)
Investment: 665€

Our Yoga Retreat is a great way to developing your personal practice and be guided for a few days whilst you are learning new techniques; the focus is on understanding different Meditation techniques and deepening our Asana practice.

The practice of the Asanas, (the physical postures), as well as the Pranayama, (controlling of the yogic breath), together with Dharana, (concentration), will allow your mind to slow down, making room for Dhyana (meditation). 

Mouna (silence) will be practiced in the morning until after breakfast and morning activities. 6am-10am

10am-1pm is free time and Holistic Therapies are available.

Each afternoon there is a mini workshop covering aspects of Yoga and self development.

2 excursions included: 1 to Mojacar Playa for the day with lunch in a beachside restaurant and an evening Flamenco show in Mojacar Pueblo

Come join us for Nurturing, Meditation Yoga, Good Food & Fun!

200-Hour Integral Yoga® Teacher Training

200-Hour Integral Yoga® Teacher Training

With Swami Divyananda Ma & Guest Teachers

This will be a split training in English
1st half is online via Zoom and the 2nd will be an in-person residential in Spain

Starting Online Tuesday 8th November 2022 (bi-weekly)
Residential dates 18th-26th March 2023
The 200-hour Integral Yoga® Teacher Training provides a strong foundation for personal and spiritual development, a space for nurturing your own practice, and the skills necessary to become a knowledgeable Yoga teacher.

This comprehensive, Yoga teacher certification is a split into 2 programs where you will learn to teach each portion of the Integral Yoga Level I class, including Asanas (yoga poses), Yoga Nidra (deep relaxation), Pranayama (breathing practices), Chanting, and Meditation.
Additionally, you will explore:
Instruction in basic anatomy and physiology
Exploration of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
Study and practice of the branches of Yoga (Hatha, Karma, Bhakti, Raja, Japa, and Jnana)
Information on mudras (energy seals), kriyas (cleansing purification techniques), and bandhas (energy locks), and opportunities to practice them.
Health benefits of Yoga postures, yogic practices and a vegetarian diet.
Effective methods for leading others in an Integral Yoga class
Modifications for postures and practices.
Practice teaching sessions
Guidance in conducting and marketing classes
Outlines for teaching course classes. Introduction to Yoga for specific populations
Applicants should be regular practitioners of Hatha Yoga for six months.
Applicants should be familiar with the Integral Yoga style of Hatha practice.

There is a level one class available on YouTube

Graduates receive a diploma certifying them to teach Integral Yoga Level 1 classes and are awarded 200 Yoga Alliance hours.
About the Trainers

Swami Divyananda is one of Integral Yoga’s senior monastics and foremost teachers. Over the years she has served as the director of the Integral Yoga Institutes in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Coimbatore, India and as the Ashram Manager of Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville in Virginia. In addition to teaching at these centres, she has taught Yoga and meditation on special retreats, in corporations and universities, at the Commonwealth Cancer Center and for the Dr. Dean Ornish Heart Disease Programs. Swami Divyananda served for many years at the IYI in Coimbatore, South India and leads tours throughout South India each year


Maya Bamford is a teacher who shares her enthusiasm for original and traditional Hatha Yoga within her classes. She has been practicing Yoga since 2003 and has been teaching full-time since 2010. Maya is the founder & director of IYC- Sol Yoga & Holistic Therapy Centre, Almeria, Spain and has completed trainings in Hatha 1, 2 & 3, Raja Yoga, Yin Yoga and Accessible Yoga. She maintains the purity and essence of Integral Yoga as well as variety, which appeals to so many of her students and is honoured to be organizing and staffing this training.

BTT Date 2022/23
 Online Schedule – Times are CEST (-1 UTC, -6 EST & +4 India)
 Tuesday & Thursday: – 7pm-9pm (6pm-8pm UK) (1pm-3pm EST)
Saturday & Sunday: – 12pm-6pm (11am-5pm UK) (6am-12pm EST)

Tuition Investment 1.200€

1st Half Online Tuition 600€

2nd Half Tuition 600€

Full board in shared twin accommodation 480€

Please note that there is no single room option.

The tuition price includes all training & comprehensive manual

Does not include transfers & flights.

Limited to 10 participants

For More Information, & Registration, Contact:

Maya Bamford                 Tel: +34686400331

Trigger Point Pilates & Myofascial Mat Work – New class being added to our schedule

Thursday 5pm-6pm

Starting 9th September

Trigger Point Pilates® has been created from years of clinical work and Pilates teaching experience by Lydia Campbell, a Fitness Industry expert for over 40 years and a clinical Myofascia Sports Therapist.A Trigger Point Pilates® class combines Pilates’ core moves with trigger point release and clinical Myofascial principles to help alleviate chronic pain conditions using equipment.

The class is designed to release tight muscles enhance functional daily movement and restructure the body. The programme helps to release the body from inside to out targeting the connective tissue that surrounds every muscle and joint. Enabling one to move with ease, release painful conditions, and have a better functional life.

Info from

What is Fascia?

Myofascial Release Therapy

Think of the transparent tissue you see when you remove the skin of a chicken. That transparent film is fascia; our bodies are made of different types of fascia some is very fine, some fascia is very dense making up our muscular system, skin, ligaments, tendons to organs including the brain and heart. Fascia is designed to move our bodies and allow healthy function of our systems it is filled with the nervous system.

Fascia is highly sensitive as it is full of nerve cells, sensitive to every hormone in your system. With every repetitive functional movement, the fascia reacts to every bump, bruise, physical and emotional trauma.

Scar tissue is damaged fascia and in many cases unavoidable if you have had an operation. Scar tissue causes a change in the fascia and in many cases chronic pain or inflammation in the body. Fascia is damaged by injury or trauma outward and inward to the body. For example, a fall, a collision, post-surgery, repetitive physical stress and auto-immune conditions such as arthritis to emotional stress all affect the fascia system.

Fascia trauma causes fascia adhesion which leads to chronic pain, a change in joint motion (scar tissue) to change in bodily functions from digestion to elimination, headaches, arthritis including osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia.

Daily movement is vital for fascia health! Even if you are injured, postoperative or live with a chronic painful condition it is vital to move and exercise when possible for fascia health. There is a massive science on using Myofascial release for chronic painful conditions and scar tissue through hands-on Myofascial therapy work.

In a Trigger Point Pilates class it is not about choreography or balancing into poses that your body may be too tight to do. The class is designed to help prepare you for action on a deep bodywork level. Teaching you exercises that ease your body by focusing on the fascia lengthening and chronic painful areas to allow the body to function again.

Info from

Integral Yoga Global Conference

Integral Yoga Global Conference

25th – 27th June 2021
Investment for the whole weekend

Sliding Scale
Basic 60€ 
Support 75€ 
Friend 90€ 

Day Pass

Join the worldwide Integral Yoga community for an inspiring and uplifting weekend at our first Integral Yoga Global Conference.

This virtual event – a conference for learning and a retreat with lots of Hatha Yoga practice – will bring together teachers and students from the U.S., India, Europe, United Kingdom, Canada, South America, Australia, Hong Kong and the People’s Republic of China.

Come explore the deeper purpose of Yoga, on and off the mat, and celebrate all the teachings that have made Integral Yoga so beloved all over the world for more than 50 years.

An amazing lineup of speakers on all aspects of Integral Yoga – All the Swamis, Senior Integral Yoga teachers, Integral Yoga, experts and doctors.

IY Hatha classes at all levels from around the world -in many languages as befits an international organization.

Live Kirtan with HuDost – broadcast around the world.
Pre-recorded Kirtan from Jai Uttal.

So much community! So much learning! So much value!



Payment Via PayPal or Bank Transfer

PAY: Lianne Jayne Bamford 
Reference: IYGC

PAYPAL: please send to “Friends & Family “ as to not incur commission.

UK LLOYDS:  GB91LOYD30960001380197

SPAIN UNICAJA:  ES0421035140090030008624


Direct with Yogaville

IYC – Sol Yoga Centre IY Global Conference affiliate link:

Integral Yoga Centre – Sol Yoga & Holistic Therapy CentreVía Zoom – Online Links

Integral Yoga Centre – Sol Yoga & Holistic Therapy CentreVía Zoom – Online Links

Please keep this info safe for your daily access

Due to current restrictions we regret that we have to close the Centre and return to Online classes only

We’ll do our best to support you during this time of confinement and encourage you to continue to attend your regular time slot as well as the other classes during the week

Together we stay strong 💪

Please note that these are ‘Central European Standard Time’ take 1 hour off for the UK




Mixed Level Hatha with Maya

Meeting ID: 851 3662 5219


Accessible Chair Yoga with Kirana

Meeting ID: 282 317 9076


Yin Yoga with Maya

Meeting ID: 817 2675 2741



Gentle Hatha with Indira

Meeting ID: 819 7273 5150



Intermediate Hatha with Maya

Meeting ID: 843 4545 2244


Yoga Philosophy – Yoga Sutras of Patanjali


Accessible Chair Yoga with Kirana

Meeting ID: 882 1229 9916


Yin Yoga with Maya

Meeting ID: 891 6245 0703



Intermediate/Advanced Hatha with Maya

Meeting ID: 874 5292 7869


Yoga Philosophy – Bhagavad Gita



Mixed Level Hatha with Maya

Meeting ID: 872 3520 2208

Monthly Investment

Accessible Chair Yoga Unlimited Access 20€

Unlimited Online Access 30€ – Does not include Yin Yoga

Unlimited Online Access 40€ – Includes Yin Yoga

1 Week Unlimited Online Access 10€

Recordings are available for 48 hrs.Please do not share the recording links without permission, though do share the info about the classes.

Anyone currently facing financial difficulties, please contact me.Maya 💜🕉💜

Payment Via PayPal or bank transfer

PAY: Lianne Jayne Bamford


please send to “Friends & Family “ as to not incur commission on my side.

UK LLOYDS: GB91LOYD30960001380197

SPAIN UNICAJA: ES0421035140090030008624

January In-Class & Online Schedule

Integral Yoga Centre – Sol Yoga & Holistic Therapy Centre

In-Class Schedule & Online Links 

Please keep this info safe for your daily access

Please note that these are ‘Central European Standard Time’ take 1 hour off for the UK

Sol Yoga reopened on Monday 6th July with reduced spaces.
Booking essential. 

Please be assured that I have ALWAYS cleaned the mats between classes and this will continue.
Try to bring your own mat, blanket and water.
Hand sanitizer is available 

Workshops & Retreats

Yoga & Meditation Retreat with Maya 2021
Dates : 26th-31st May 2021 5 nights Full Board 395€
Does not include transfers & flights

Rest & Restore Autumn Equinox Yin-Yang Yoga Retreat with Maya
Dates : 22nd-27th Sept 2021 5 nights Full Board 395€
Does not include transfers & flights

Yoga Retreats 2021 – Integral Yoga Centre – SOL Yoga & Holistic Therapy Centre (

Reiki 2 Course Dates : 27th & 28th February 2021
Investment 120€

Reiki 1 Course Dates : 17th & 18th April 2021
Investment 100€  




Mixed Level Hatha with Kirana (IY Teacher in Training)
Meeting ID: 851 3662 5219

Accessible Chair Yoga with Kirana
Meeting ID: 282 317 9076

Mixed Level Hatha with Maya
Class Attendance at Sol Yoga Centre Only

Yin Yoga with Maya
Meeting ID: 817 2675 2741  


10am-11.30am Gentle Hatha with Maya
Meeting ID: 819 7273 5150

Beginners Hatha with Indira (IY Teacher in Training)
Class Attendance at Sol Yoga Centre Only
To Be Confirmed


Intermediate Hatha with Maya
Meeting ID: 843 4545 2244

Yoga Philosophy – Yoga Sutras of Patanjali  

Accessible Chair Yoga with Maya
Meeting ID: 882 1229 9916

Yin Yoga with Maya
Meeting ID: 817 2675 2741
To Be Confirmed
Hatha en Español con Maya
Class Attendance at Sol Yoga Centre Only    


Intermediate/Advanced Hatha with Maya
Meeting ID: 874 5292 7869

Yoga Philosophy – Bhagavad Gita


Monthly Activities at the Centre – January 2021

Holistic Therapy Day for ´Walk for Life
15th January 9.30am-2pm

Meditation Group
Friday 22nd January

Reiki Share 
Friday 29th January

Online Only
Mixed Level Hatha with Maya
Meeting ID: 872 3520 2208

Monthly Investment 

Accessible Chair Yoga Unlimited Access 20€
1 Class per Week In-Class 25€
1 Class per Week In-Class & Unlimited Online Access 30€
(Does not include Online Yin Yoga)
2 Classes per Week In-Class & Unlimited Online Access 40€
(Includes Online Yin Yoga)

1 Week Unlimited Online Access 10€

Recordings are available for 48 hrs.
Please do not share the recording links without permission, though do share the info about the classes.

Anyone currently facing financial difficulties, please contact me.

Maya 💜🕉💜

November In-Class & Online Schedule

Integral Yoga Centre – Sol Yoga & Holistic Therapy Centre

In-Class Schedule & Online Links 

Please keep this info safe for your daily access

Please note that these are ‘Central European Standard Time’ take 1 hour off for the UK

Sol Yoga reopened on Monday 6th July with reduced spaces.
Booking essential. 

Please be assured that I have ALWAYS cleaned the mats between classes and this will continue though try to bring your own mat, towel and water. Hand sanitizer will be available 

Workshops & Retreats

200-Hour Integral Yoga® Online Teacher Training
With Swami Divyananda Ma & Guest Teachers

The training provides a strong foundation for personal and spiritual development, as well as the skills necessary to become a confident, knowledgeable Yoga instructor.

This will be a two-part training in English via Zoom
1st half 19th November – 22nd December , 2020
2nd half 24th January – 21st March 2021

Example online commitment via Zoom
Sunday’s 8 hrs
Tuesday and Thursday evening 6-9pm CEST



Mixed Level Hatha with Maya
Meeting ID: 851 3662 5219

Accessible Chair Yoga with Kirana
Meeting ID: 818 2219 5306

Beginners Hatha with Kirana
Class Attendance at Sol Yoga Centre Only

Yin Yoga with Maya
Meeting ID: 817 2675 2741


Gentle Hatha with Maya
Meeting ID: 819 7273 5150

Beginners Hatha with Indira
Class Attendance at Sol Yoga Centre Only


Intermediate Hatha with Maya
Meeting ID: 843 4545 2244

Yoga Philosophy – Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

Accessible Chair Yoga with Maya
Meeting ID: 882 1229 9916

Hatha en Español con Maya
Class Attendance at Sol Yoga Centre Only


Intermediate/Advanced Hatha with Maya
Meeting ID: 874 5292 7869

Yoga Philosophy – Bhagavad Gita

Yin Yoga with Maya
Starting January 2021


Monthly Activities Resume at the Centre – November 

Holistic Therapy Day for Charity
13th November 9.30am-2pm

Meditation Group
 20th November 10am-11.30am

Reiki Share 
27th November 10am-12pm


Online Only

Mixed Level Hatha with Maya
Meeting ID: 872 3520 2208

Monthly Investment

Accessible Chair Yoga Unlimited Access 20€
1 Class per Week In-Class 25€
1 Class per Week In-Class & Unlimited Online Access 30€
(Does not include Online Yin Yoga)
2 Classes per Week In-Class & Unlimited Online Access 40€
(Includes Online Yin Yoga)

1 Week Unlimited Online Access 10€

Recordings are available for 24 hrs.
You have unlimited access to the library on YouTube

Please do not share the recording links without permission, though do share the info about the classes.

Anyone currently facing financial difficulties, please contact me.

Maya 💜🕉💜

Payment Via PayPal or bank transfer

PAY: Lianne Jayne Bamford

PAYPAL: please send to “Friends & Family “ as to not incur commission on my side.

UK LLOYDS:  GB91LOYD30960001380197

SPAIN UNICAJA: ES0421035140090030008624

Integral Yoga Centre – Sol Yoga & Holistic Therapy Centre In-Class Schedule & Online Links

Integral Yoga Centre – Sol Yoga & Holistic Therapy Centre

In-Class Schedule & Online Links 

Please keep this info safe for your daily access

Please note that these are ‘Central European Standard Time’ take 1 hour off for the UK

Sol Yoga reopened on Monday 6th July with reduced spaces.
Booking essential. 

Please be assured that I have ALWAYS cleaned the mats between classes and this will continue though try to bring your own mat, towel and water. Hand sanitizer will be available 

Workshops & Retreats

Yin Yoga Workshop with Maya 
Saturday 5th & Sunday 6th September 10am-12pm

Also Available via Zoom.
Register in advance for this meeting 

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Yoga & Meditation Retreat with Maya & Muneera 2020 ॐ
 Sunday 27th September -Friday 2nd October
5 nights full board 395€



Mixed Level Hatha with Maya
Meeting ID: 851 3662 5219

Mixed Level Hatha with Maya 
Class Attendance at Sol Yoga Centre Only

Accessible Chair Yoga with Kirana
Meeting ID: 818 2219 5306

Yin Yoga with Maya
Class Attendance at Sol Yoga Centre Only
Starting Monday 7th September



Gentle Hatha with Maya
Meeting ID: 819 7273 5150

Beginners Hatha with Indira
Class Attendance at Sol Yoga Centre Only


Intermediate Hatha with Maya

Yoga Philosophy – Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
Meeting ID: 843 4545 2244

Accessible Chair Yoga with Kirana
Meeting ID: 882 1229 9916

Hatha en Español con Maya


Intermediate/Advanced Hatha with Maya

Yoga Philosophy – Bhagavad Gita
Meeting ID: 874 5292 7869

Yin Yoga with Maya
Meeting ID: 817 2675 2741
Starting Thursday 10th September


Monthly Activities Resume at the Centre – SEPTEMBER

Holistic Therapy Day for Charity
11th September 9.30am-2pm

Meditation Group
 18th September 10am-11.30am

Reiki Share 
25th September 10am-12pm



12th & 19th September Only

Mixed Level Hatha with Maya
Meeting ID: 872 3520 2208

Monthly Investment 

Accessible Chair Yoga Unlimited Access 20€
1 Class per Week In-Class 25€
 1 Class per Week In-Class & Unlimited Online Access 30€
(Does not include Online Yin Yoga)
2 Classes per Week In-Class & Unlimited Online Access 40€
(Includes Online Yin Yoga)

1 Week Unlimited Online Access 10€

Recordings will no longer be available
You have unlimited access to the growing library on YouTube

Please do not share the links without permission, though do share the info about the classes.

Anyone currently facing financial difficulties, please contact me.

Maya 💜🕉💜

Payment Via PayPal or bank transfer

PAY: Lianne Jayne Bamford

PAYPAL: please send to “Friends & Family “ as to not incur commission on my side.

UK LLOYDS:  GB91LOYD30960001380197

SPAIN UNICAJA:  ES0421035140090030008624


Yoga is for everyone.

However, when online, it is up to the individual to assess whether they are ready for the class that they have chosen.

Obviously, if you suffer from specific injuries or disease it is best to consult with your physician first before joining us online.

Similarly if you are pregnant, I suggest to follow a prenatal class as our classes are not suitable.

The practice of yoga asanas requires you – the practitioner – to gauge the safety of your practice within your personal physical limitations. It is better to build up slowly than to force and strain. Listen to the inner teacher.

The techniques and suggestions presented with our online classes are not intended to substitute for proper medical advice.

Consult your physician before beginning any new form of exercise 

IYC – Sol Yoga & Holistic Therapy Centre assumes no responsibility for injuries suffered while practicing these techniques in your home.or at the Centre.

Online & In-Class Schedule for July & August

Integral Yoga Centre – Sol Yoga & Holistic Therapy Centre

Online & In-Class Schedule for July & August 

Please note that these are ‘Central European Standard Time’ take 1 hour off for the UK

Sol Yoga reopens on Monday 6th July with reduced spaces.
Booking essential. 

Please be assured that I have ALWAYS cleaned the mats between classes and this will continue though try to bring your own mat, towel and water. Hand sanitizer will be available

No classes on 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd & 25th July
I’m away on a Yin Yoga Teacher Training Course in Cadiz


10am-11.30am Mixed Level Hatha with Maya (suitable for
12pm-1.30pm Mixed Level Hatha with Maya (suitable for all)
Class Attendance at Sol Yoga Centre Only
 12pm-1pm Accessible Chair Yoga with Kirana

10am-11.30am Gentle Hatha with Indira


10am-11.45am Intermediate Hatha with Maya
12pm-1pm Accessible Chair Yoga with Kirana 


10am-12pm Intermediate/Advanced Hatha with Maya


Monthly Activities Resume at the Centre

Meditation Group
 17th July 10am-11.30am

Reiki Share 
31st July 10am-12pm

 No class on 11th & 25th July

10am-11.30am Mixed Level Hatha with Maya (suitable for all)

Workshops & Courses

The Power of the Breath Workshop

Delving Deep with Pranayama
Sunday 5th July 10am-12.30pm

Reiki 1 Course
Saturday 11th & Sunday 12th July 10am-5pm
with Reiki Master/Teacher Maya Bamford

Yin Yoga Workshop with Maya 
Friday 7th August 10am-12pm
Class Attendance at Sol Yoga Centre Only

 1 week unlimited access 10€
Full month unlimited access 25€
Accessible Chair Yoga unlimited access 20€

Recordings of each class will be available for 48 hrs by request.
Please do not share the links without permission, though do share the info about the classes.

Anyone currently facing financial difficulties, please contact me.

Maya 💜🕉💜

Payment Via PayPal or bank transfer

 PAY: Lianne Jayne Bamford
PAYPAL: please send to “Friends & Family “ as to not incur commission on my side.
UK LLOYDS:  GB91LOYD30960001380197SPAIN
UNICAJA:  ES0421035140090030008624

Sol Yoga Online Schedule

Sol Yoga Centre, ARBOLEAS has been providing daily online Hatha Yoga, Accessible Chair 🪑 Yoga and Deep Relaxation Classes via Zoom since the Lockdown forced our small business to close on March 13th.

Check our new weekly schedule starting Monday 1st June:


10am-11.30am Mixed Level Hatha with Maya 🧘🏻‍♀️🧘🏼‍♂️

12pm-1pm Accessible Chair 👩🏻‍🦽🪑🧑🏻‍🦽Yoga with Kim

5pm-5.30pm Yoga Nidra/ Deep Relaxation 🛏😴


10am-11.30am Gentle Hatha with Indira 🧘🏻


10am-11.45am Intermediate Hatha with Maya 🧘🏻‍♀️🧘🏼‍♂️

12pm-1pm Accessible Chair 👩🏻‍🦽🪑 🧑🏻‍🦽Yoga with Kim

5pm-5.30pm Yoga Nidra/ Deep Relaxation 🛏😴


10am-12pm Intermediate/Advanced Hatha with Maya 🧘🏻


10am-11.15am Meditation Group with Maya 😇

11.30am-12.30pm Hatha Yoga en Español with Maya y Alannah 🇪🇸


10am-11.30am Mixed Level Hatha with Maya 🧘🏻‍♀️🧘🏼‍♂️

1 week unlimited access 10€

4 weeks unlimited access 25€

Paid via PayPal or bank transfer

If you want to join any of the classes please contact me for payment details and access links 🙏


WhatsApp 686400331



Yoga is for everyone.

However, when online, it is up to the individual to assess whether they are ready for the class that they have chosen.

Obviously, if you suffer from specific injuries or disease it is best to consult with your physician first before joining us online.

Similarly if you are pregnant, I suggest to follow a prenatal class as our classes are not suitable.

The practice of yoga asanas requires you – the practitioner – to gauge the safety of your practice within your personal physical limitations. It is better to build up slowly than to force and strain. Whilst one may feel exertion one should also feel relaxed.

The techniques and suggestions presented with our online classes are not intended to substitute for proper medical advice.

Consult your physician before beginning any new form of exercise

IYC – Sol Yoga & Holistic Therapy Centre assumes no responsibility for injuries suffered while practicing these techniques in your home.