200-Hour Integral Yoga® Teacher Training

200-Hour Integral Yoga® Teacher Training

With Swami Divyananda Ma & Guest Teachers

This will be a split training in English
1st half is online via Zoom and the 2nd will be an in-person residential in Spain

Starting Online Tuesday 8th November 2022 (bi-weekly)
Residential dates 18th-26th March 2023
The 200-hour Integral Yoga® Teacher Training provides a strong foundation for personal and spiritual development, a space for nurturing your own practice, and the skills necessary to become a knowledgeable Yoga teacher.

This comprehensive, Yoga teacher certification is a split into 2 programs where you will learn to teach each portion of the Integral Yoga Level I class, including Asanas (yoga poses), Yoga Nidra (deep relaxation), Pranayama (breathing practices), Chanting, and Meditation.
Additionally, you will explore:
Instruction in basic anatomy and physiology
Exploration of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
Study and practice of the branches of Yoga (Hatha, Karma, Bhakti, Raja, Japa, and Jnana)
Information on mudras (energy seals), kriyas (cleansing purification techniques), and bandhas (energy locks), and opportunities to practice them.
Health benefits of Yoga postures, yogic practices and a vegetarian diet.
Effective methods for leading others in an Integral Yoga class
Modifications for postures and practices.
Practice teaching sessions
Guidance in conducting and marketing classes
Outlines for teaching course classes. Introduction to Yoga for specific populations
Applicants should be regular practitioners of Hatha Yoga for six months.
Applicants should be familiar with the Integral Yoga style of Hatha practice.

There is a level one class available on YouTube

Graduates receive a diploma certifying them to teach Integral Yoga Level 1 classes and are awarded 200 Yoga Alliance hours.
About the Trainers

Swami Divyananda is one of Integral Yoga’s senior monastics and foremost teachers. Over the years she has served as the director of the Integral Yoga Institutes in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Coimbatore, India and as the Ashram Manager of Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville in Virginia. In addition to teaching at these centres, she has taught Yoga and meditation on special retreats, in corporations and universities, at the Commonwealth Cancer Center and for the Dr. Dean Ornish Heart Disease Programs. Swami Divyananda served for many years at the IYI in Coimbatore, South India and leads tours throughout South India each year


Maya Bamford is a teacher who shares her enthusiasm for original and traditional Hatha Yoga within her classes. She has been practicing Yoga since 2003 and has been teaching full-time since 2010. Maya is the founder & director of IYC- Sol Yoga & Holistic Therapy Centre, Almeria, Spain and has completed trainings in Hatha 1, 2 & 3, Raja Yoga, Yin Yoga and Accessible Yoga. She maintains the purity and essence of Integral Yoga as well as variety, which appeals to so many of her students and is honoured to be organizing and staffing this training.

BTT Date 2022/23
 Online Schedule – Times are CEST (-1 UTC, -6 EST & +4 India)
 Tuesday & Thursday: – 7pm-9pm (6pm-8pm UK) (1pm-3pm EST)
Saturday & Sunday: – 12pm-6pm (11am-5pm UK) (6am-12pm EST)

Tuition Investment 1.200€

1st Half Online Tuition 600€

2nd Half Tuition 600€

Full board in shared twin accommodation 480€

Please note that there is no single room option.

The tuition price includes all training & comprehensive manual

Does not include transfers & flights.

Limited to 10 participants

For More Information, & Registration, Contact:

Maya Bamford

solyogacentre@gmail.com                 Tel: +34686400331

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