Yoga retreats 2022

Arriving at 11am on a Wednesday and leaving after breakfast on a Monday (unless otherwise stated)
The is the option of a single occupancy for a supplement.
Prices include accommodation, full board and all activities.
Does not include flights & transfers. Transfer info by request.

Retreat into nature and connect with yourself in the beautiful surroundings of El Cortijo Nacimiento in the Sierra Cabrera, close to Mojacar in the province of Almeria, Spain.

Open Your Heart, Your life is a sacred journey. It is about change, growth, discovery, movement, transformation, continuously expanding your vision of what is possible, stretching your soul, learning to see clearly and deeply, listening to your intuition, taking courageous challenges at every step along the way. You are on the path… exactly where you are meant to be right now… And from here, you can only go forward, shaping your life story into a magnificent tale of triumph, of healing, of courage, of beauty, of wisdom, of power, of dignity, and of love.

Yoga & Meditation Retreat with Maya & Prashanti

12th-16th May (4 nights)
(Fully Booked)
Investment: 340€

Our Yoga Retreat is a great way to developing your personal practice and be guided for a few days whilst you are learning new techniques; the focus is on understanding different Meditation techniques and deepening our Asana practice.

The practice of the Asanas, (the physical postures), as well as the Pranayama, (controlling of the yogic breath), together with Dharana, (concentration), will allow your mind to slow down, making room for Dhyana (meditation). 

Mouna (silence) will be practiced in the morning until after breakfast and morning activities. 6am-10am

10am-1pm is free time and Holistic Therapies available.

Each afternoon there is a mini workshop covering aspects of Yoga and self development.

With meditation, the physiology undergoes a change and every cell in the body is filled with more prana (energy). This results in joy, peace, enthusiasm as the level of prana in the body increases.

To experience the benefits of meditation, regular practice is necessary. It takes only a few minutes every day. . Dive deep into yourself and enrich your life.

Come join us for Nurturing, Meditation Yoga, Good Food & Fun!

Yoga & Meditation Retreat with Maya & Swami Divyananda Ma

25th-30th May (5 nights)
(Fully Booked)
Investment: 395€

Our Yoga Retreat is a great way to developing your personal practice and be guided for a few days whilst you are learning new techniques; the focus is on understanding different Meditation techniques and deepening our Asana practice.

The practice of the Asanas, (the physical postures), as well as the Pranayama, (controlling of the yogic breath), together with Dharana, (concentration), will allow your mind to slow down, making room for Dhyana (meditation). 

Mouna (silence) will be practiced in the morning until after breakfast and morning activities. 6am-10am

10am-1pm is free time and Holistic Therapies are available.

Each afternoon there is a mini workshop covering aspects of Yoga and self development.

With meditation, the physiology undergoes a change and every cell in the body is filled with more prana (energy). This results in joy, peace, enthusiasm as the level of prana in the body increases.

To experience the benefits of meditation, regular practice is necessary. It takes only a few minutes every day. . Dive deep into yourself and enrich your life.

Come join us for Nurturing, Meditation Yoga, Good Food & Fun!

Rest & Restore Autumn Equinox Yin-Yang Yoga Retreat with Maya
21st – 26th September (5 nights)
(2 spaces available)
Investment: 395€

Rediscover yourself and reclaim your power.

Yin Yoga is the vehicle that encourages you to give yourself permission to feel, so you can heal.

Open and stimulate your body’s meridian system and increase your range of motion as you calm your mind with this deeply restorative and revitalizing practice. Long-held stretching poses encourage your body’s deep connective tissues to literally melt, restoring youthful joint mobility and ease of movement.

Then go even deeper into your inner world with calming, centering meditation.

Yin practice are all designed to balance the Yin (female) and Yang (male) energies of our bodies, to provide the stillness, cool and calm that we all need so badly in the rush of our daily lives.
Yin yoga is for everyone. It enables you to heal yourself, and as you heal, you do your part to heal the world.

Our Yin – Yang Yoga Retreat is an opportunity to slow down, and to deepen your awareness of yourself, other people, and the world around you. Yin Yoga quiets the mind and heals the body, opening the door to a profound and life changing experience.

Each day from awakening until after breakfast we will observe ‘Mounam’ the spiritual practice of being silent, beginning each day with Hatha and ending with Yin, bringing balance and clarity with the Autumn Equinox energies guiding us.

Yoga & Meditation Retreat with Maya & Muneera

27th September-4th October (7 nights)
(1 space available)
Investment: 665€

Our Yoga Retreat is a great way to developing your personal practice and be guided for a few days whilst you are learning new techniques; the focus is on understanding different Meditation techniques and deepening our Asana practice.

The practice of the Asanas, (the physical postures), as well as the Pranayama, (controlling of the yogic breath), together with Dharana, (concentration), will allow your mind to slow down, making room for Dhyana (meditation). 

Mouna (silence) will be practiced in the morning until after breakfast and morning activities. 6am-10am

10am-1pm is free time and Holistic Therapies are available.

Each afternoon there is a mini workshop covering aspects of Yoga and self development.

2 excursions included: 1 to Mojacar Playa for the day with lunch in a beachside restaurant and an evening Flamenco show in Mojacar Pueblo

Come join us for Nurturing, Meditation Yoga, Good Food & Fun!

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